Specialist qualification: Master’s degree
- 09.04.02 Information systems and technologies
- 09.04.03 Applied informatics
- 13.04.01 Heat and power engineering and heat engineering
- 15.04.02 Technological machines and equipment
- 15.04.04 Automation of technological processes and production facilities
- 18.04.01 Chemical technology
- 18.04.02 Energy and resource saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology
- 20.04.01 Technosphere safety
- 29.04.01 Technology of light industry products
- 29.04.02 Technologies and design of textile products
- 29.04.03 Technology of printing and packaging production
- 29.04.05 Design of light industry products
- 38.04.01 Economics
- 38.04.02 Management
- 39.04.03 Organization work with youth
- 42.04.01 Advertising and public relations
- 42.04.02 Journalism
- 42.04.03 Publishing business
- 50.04.03 History of art
- 54.04.01 Design
- 54.04.02 Arts and crafts and folk crafts