Dear colleagues, teachers, students and staff!
The expiring year 2021 was very delicate, full of serious tasks, and brought serious results to our university, the significance of which will play an important role in the coming years. According to the results of the competition, we won the Priority state program for supporting universities until 2030, being among 106 leading Russian universities, while even of these 106 leaders were among the 54 universities recommended by the commission of the Government of Russia for consideration for a special part of the grant until 2030. By October 2021, there are 18.6 thousand students at our university, we are now together with the Polytechnic University and Saint-Petersburg State University in the top three largest universities of the city. At the end of 2021, our College of Technology, Modeling and Management won among 70 colleges in the country in the program of support of secondary vocational education “Professionalitet” as a pilot project, while we are the only participants from Saint-Petersburg in this state program. It is also important that despite the COVID restrictions, the educational process this year was conducted at our university in a mixed format, and we did not go to the full online format, like some universities in the city and country. Much else marked this year - this is the 90th anniversary of the Higher School of Technology and Energy, and a serious graduation, as well as a successful admission to our university.
On the eve of New Year the University of Industrial Technologies and Design gave a trip named “The shining of New Year’s Saint-Petersburg” for foreign students who study at the Preparatory Department around snowy, frosty city.
It's time to take stock, because it has become rich, bright and fruitful year for the Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.
On December 16, 2021, the winners of the All-Russian Youth Project Competition met with the Chairman of the Committee on Youth Policy and Interaction with Public Organizations Bogdan Georgievich Zastavny in the amphitheater of the youth space “PROSTO”.
The award ceremony will be decorated with a show of designers-graduates of Ƶ: Olga Malyarova, Asya Akinshina and Aleftina Samokhvalova together with Flower Experiense, as well as a light show of ballerinas from Prada Group.